COCA COLA, Recycle Me

We crushed the world’s most iconic logo. Just like everyone does right before they recycle a can of Coke. Dozens of unique posters were made from crushing cans in fascinating ways like vacuums and mechanical presses. The “Recycle Me” series is running globally, from Buenos Aires to Sao Paulo to Times Square.


Drum Awards - Gold (Art Direction)

Drum Awards - Silver (Billboard/Posters)

Cannes - Gold (Industry Craft - Art Direction: Brand & Communications Design)

Cannes - Shortlist (Industry Craft - Art Direction: Print & Publishing)

Cannes - Shortlist (Industry Craft - Art Direction: Print & Publishing)

Cannes - Shortlist (Industry Craft - Typography: Print & Publishing)

Cannes - Gold (Outdoor - Billboards)

Cannes - Shortlist (Outdoor - Social Behavior & Cultural Insight)

Cannes - Bronze (Outdoor - Posters)

Cannes - Grand Prix (Print & Publishing - Culture & Context)

London International - Silver (Billboard - Beverages)

London International - Silver (Billboard - Beverages)

London International - Silver (Billboard - Beverages)

London International - Gold (Billboard - Craft, Art Direction)

London International - Gold (Billboard - Consumer Campaign)

London International - Bronze (Design - Direct Marketing, Consumer Campaign)

London International - Silver (Poster - Beverages)

London International - Silver (Poster - Beverages)

London International - Silver (Poster - Beverages)

London International - Gold (Poster - Craft, Art Direction)

London International - Gold (Print - Consumer Campaign)

London International - Gold (Print - Craft, Art Direction)

London International - Silver (Print - Beverages)

London International - Silver (Print - Beverages)

London International - Silver (Print - Beverages)

The Immortal Awards - Winner